About Me

Winder Monroe Lyons began playing folk music professionally on Bourbon Street in his hometown of New Orleans, La in the early 1960’s while still in high school. Coming from a semi-musical family (his mother a concert pianist and his father an avid though tone-deaf music lover) he quickly veered from classical training to the world of nightclubs hotels and concerts. After being drafted in 1966 and serving almost three years with the US Army Corp of Engineers in the U.S. and Vietnam Winder founded an ecological organization in New Orleans: The Ecology Center of Louisiana. At that time and for many years after he plied the musical waters of New Orleans and the South playing folk and bluegrass as a single and in bands. Along the way he wrote a music column for the local New Orleans newspaper: The Times Picayune. Although he stopped playing professionally in the late 1970’s music has always remained an important part of Winder’s life. His new album “”If Ever I Cease To Love inspired by his sister Maryann’s amazing life journey and his support for the saving of the Louisiana wetlands is a return for Winder to his roots in two areas: music and ecology.”

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