About Me

Unity Church of Clearwater is a free and open, spiritual community, welcoming all who are drawn to our church to be inspired, encouraged and empowered to express the Christ consciousness of wisdom, wholeness, abundance, love and peace. We are a community of like-minded people, Truth students all, who take their journey of self discovery seriously, but enjoy the search in a fun non-judgmental setting.

In addition to positive, powerful Sunday messages from The Reverend Leddy Hammock, with outstanding music from the Unity band, UCC offers a wide variety of classes, guest speakers and concerts. We are a diverse congregation devoted to human rights, and our House Built on Love embraces the belief that we are all one people. Our Sr Minister, Leddy Hammock, is a well-known minister, author and speaker in the Unity and New Thought movements, who has published books, articles, poems, song lyrics, and meditations that can be heard on two CDs: “Twelve Women of the Chalice” and “I Choose a Path that’s Paved with Miracles”. She has served as Minister of the congregation of Unity Church of Clearwater since 1981.

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