About Me

Spring Lovelle’s (pronounced Love – elle) music reflects an eclectic life dedicated to exploring and expanding.  Throughout her career as an international recording artist she has produced an emotionally engaging music collection that speaks to the personal truth of her fans. Her performances are intimate even when her audiences range in the thousands.

Spring spent the better part of her early career on concert tours opening up for acts such as Roger Waters, Jeffrey Gaines and performing for crowds all over the US including; New York City and Nashville; large theaters, supper clubs, singing the US national anthem at ball parks, Disney World in Orlando, FL, at original music showcases, Unity churches, house concerts and festivals.  For the past several years, Spring has enjoyed working with a variety of musicians compiling a catalog of tunes for licensing in TV/Film, documentaries and other media outlets.   

Spring holds a B.A. in Communications; Radio/TV/Film with studies in fine arts and photography which comes in handy when producing her music videos and performing voiceovers.  Her years as a performing songwriter and public speaker provide her with the skills necessary to deliver a high quality performance.  Her experience as a studio engineer gives Spring the expertise necessary to deliver a fully edited, mastered digital product.  

Spring enjoys the blending of her talents as a full expression of her message that everyone has a unique calling and the ability to make the world a better place.  She sees each day as an opportunity to express the creativity and artistry of her spiritual core. Her passion for visual artistry is reflected in her nature photography; a gentle reminder to find pleasure in the simple things in life like; family, friends, hiking, biking and kayaking. 

Spring’s commitment to finding joy extends beyond music.  She values ongoing personal development which led her to become a certified life coach through JFK University in San Francisco,  A program led by Debbie Ford. Life is an adventure that is meant to be explored and savored even in moments of great pain, which is when art can set us free. She is a romantic in the literary sense of the word and embraces life and all its endless possibilities.

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