About Me

I’m what spiritual-minded individuals call an Indigo Child. I am very intuitive and have been utilizing all of my God-given talents to better this world and to learn and unlearn what makes us who we really are. I am forever remembering more and more about my own roots in the Universe and beyond, and it is my mission to guide others, I especially am a guide to other Teachers and Earth Angels helping them remember what they came to Earth to do in this life. I am here, as a Modern Muse, to share in Love and Light through music, lyrics and sound. With my husband I own The Crystal Closet in Mount Dora, FL, a Metaphysical Center and Gift Shop. My husband, is of Shamanic lineage and makes and plays the Native Flute and teaches Meditation along with the Crystal Singing Bowls. We help others as we ourselves practice our abundant birthrights through organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, non-gmo, chemical-free lifestyle and spiritual enlightenment. I teach Crystal Yoga, I am a professional & born-Psychic Channel, I am a published Author, and my Native Healer-husband and I live happily in sunny Florida with our kitties and tiny dog. Namaste!

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