About Me

PAMELA WENG began playing piano at the age of four. The language of music which she refers to as her “true native tongue,” has always played an integral part of her life. She was very involved thru-out her K-12 days and the next logical step was to continue this path into college and then graduate school. She matriculated from Metropolitan State College in 1984 with a degree in Music Education; Masters of Humanities with emphasis on Music Technology and Art History from the University of Colorado at Denver in 1997.
Pamela is now an instructor at the University of Colorado at Denver where she teaches music history and literature, social and political implications of American music, music appreciation, piano classes and applied lessons.

In creating her Masters thesis, Pamela combined her love for art with her love for music, recording and producing a CD of “sound paintings” entitled Earthtones that also employed the talents of acclaimed Colorado musicians Drew Morell, Ted Reece, Calvin Standing Bear, Larry Thompson, and Harvey Thurman.
In April of 2008 Pamela released EarthTones II, which is a continuation of the “sound paintings” traveling to the Australian Outback – “Outback Ochre” with Michael Stanwood on digereedoo, to Argentina – “Tangorine”with Daria Joanna on cello and Portugal – “Portuguese Passion” with Manual Arujo on trumpet.
After joining forces with Colorado poets Dr. Bob Boyle and Dee Galloway to form the Lost in the Woods record label, they produced two albums: Spirit Rising and Solace: A Journey on the Path of Grief.
In 2009 they appeared as a performance troupe called the Bare Naked Spirits www.barenakedspirits.com
Pamela Weng and Friends have recently appeared at the Mercury Café and will be scheduling more performances through out 2011.
Pamela hosted and produced a concert with Samite www.samite.com and www.musiciansforworldharmony.org
on March 9th 2011 at the King Center on the Auraria campus in Denver.

Pamela is currently working on a project involving the restoration of the Interlaken Resort which is at the foot of Independance pass in Colorado. She plans on debuting her “Colorado Concertos” at an upcoming benefit concert for the resort.

Pamela has also teamed up with singer extrodinare Eugene Ebner and is working with him on a collection of inspiring original songs ie. “Colours of the Soul”, “Are You Beautiful”, “Angel Flight”.

My Audio

My Video