About Me

I am a Singer/Songwriter, Musician, Speaker, Author, and Facilitator. My work with Unity began in 1987, though i have been a New Thought devotee for as long as I can remember. I was a long time music director at Unity of San Luis Obispo, California under both Rev. Richard Levy and Rev. Leona Evans. Over a 17 year period I penned hundreds of songs as congregational and presentation songs. I have provided extensive musical support work since the mid 1990’s for Unity Youth at YOU Rallies, Uniteen Events, and Kid’s Camps. In addition, I have been spotlighted at and have created a many original songs for Ministerial Conferences, Educator Retreats, Regional Conferences, International YOU, and Adults of Unity since 1993 to the present.

Outside of Unity I wrote music for and supported/traveled with Hay House Author, Sonia Choquette, on tours worldwide for over a decade sharing the stage with such authors as Marianne Williamson, Joan Borysenko, Doreen Virtue, Wayne Dyer, Deepok Chopra, John Redfield, Carolyn Myss, John Holland, among others.

I facilitate online and in person awakening workshops that combine music and sound and esoteric principle. I am the author of three books including The Guidebook for Evolving Chakra Care.

As a Sound Alchemist I incorporate ancient and evolving sound and vibrational principles and techniques in all my musical creations and my event experiences. And lastly I continue to be an in-demand speaker for Sunday services and events presenting engaging and participatory musical talks. Please follow some of the links to hear samples of my many specific recordings to see what I have for the Youth, for churches, and for individuals who are on the expanding awareness path.

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