About Me

Jeffji is a singer, guitarist, bassist, music minister, and kirtan leader based in Tallahassee, Florida. As a music minister, he performs regularly at Unity Eastside Church in Tallahassee, where he was a founding member of the church’s band, “The 13th Power,” along with Darryl Steele. He is also a music minister at the Spiritual Enrichment Center in Dothan, Alabama. He performed during the “Namasté Café” concerts at the 2019 emPower Posi Music Fest in Tampa, FL. If your music director would like to take a Sunday off, contact Jeffji!

Kirtan or devotional chanting is a joyous spiritual practice that can help you open to the reality of the Divinity within you. Even if that doesn’t happen right away, it can still be a pretty good time! Jeffji has performed with well-known kirtan artists such as The Hanumen, Krishna & Gershone, Arundhati Devi, and World Mantra, and studied briefly with Jai Uttal.

Jeffji takes great joy in using music to help others in contacting the Holiness that we all share.

My Interests

Music, spirituality, travel, photography, videography, web design.

My Audio

My Video