About Me

Hello emPOWER Nation!! Much Love and Blessings to you all! My name is Ginger Curry and I have no memory of me not singing to the World. I grew up in Louisville, Ky and currently live in Bloomington, Indiana. I began writing music in 2002 after attending the Great Lakes Unity Regional Music Conference and proclaiming to the group in attendance that I had nothing to say and that I was a singer not a writer. 🙂 Needless to say, the songs came pouring forth!

I have two CD’s of original Music “Sweet Song of Life” and “My Heart is Open” and the third will be coming out Fall 2012. I have been blessed to have three songs published in Unity Association songbooks. “Today I am a Messenger” is published in “Holy Now”. “Show me the Innocence” and “Spirit Calls” is published in “Seeds of Light”. Both songbooks are available at

In 2010, I began a musical partnership with Folk/Blues Guitarist and Writer Jason Fickel. We have a Duo, Jason & Ginger, and we perform all around the midwest playing classic and original blues mixed with original modern folk. You can check out our music & videos at www.jasonandginger.com.

I also sing with a lovely group of gals called the Gozpel Gurlz. We began as the house backup singers for our local Radio station WFHB’s live variety show and now we have begun producing and performing our own shows.

In addition to my performing solo and in various groups and ensembles, I currently serve as Director of Music Ministry at Unity of Bloomington in Bloomington, Indiana, www.unityofbloomington.org. I am blessed to have a wonderful group of talented musicians who love to get together and have fun every Sunday Morning.

My Audio

My Video