About Me

When singer/songwriter Darius Lux left the confines of New York City to travel the globe for a year, he didn’t fully comprehend the life changing pilgrimage he was about to embark upon.

 A multi-instrumentalist, a producer, and a performer came back as a free-thinker, a philosopher, and an inspirational lyricist.

Combining his appreciation of 60s songwriting, 70s soul, 80s pop and 90s hip-hop into a current mix of soulful, rock-edged pop tunes, Darius Lux found his voice on his debut record “Arise”. He now takes us and his band to the streets of LA for his new EP, “Time is Now.”

Darius’ music is a statement describing how we can take control of our lives. “For each one of us, life can be full of different fears, but we have to remember that fear is a choice. When we decide we don’t want fear and we have chosen to believe in ourselves instead, we find that we begin to receive the things in life we’ve hoped for.”

Darius is currently gigging in Southern California with his band and living his life against the grain – with every spirited note he plays; he urges us to do the same. Take part of Darius’ voyage at www.DariusLux.com

My Interests

health, fitness, enlightenment, green living, surfing, volleyball, hiking and love

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