About Me

My favorite music for listening and writing is that which gives a message of hope and possibilities. Although I have been playing guitar and singing in choir since I was in third grade and often heard words other than those that were written to certain songs, I hadn’t considered writing songs until about 2004 when one came to me while walking a labyrinth at a retreat center.

I often get the chorus of the song long before I get the rest of it.

My first Posi Awards were in 2011 when I was the interpreter for the three concerts. That experience itself was great, but the people I met there made it even better. It was fun to be in an environment where there was and attitude of sharing and camaraderie. Everyone, no matter how much or how little experience, seemed to have something important to share and there were others with both more and less experience to hear it. While at the 2011 festival, the friend who attended with me and I met a third woman and we wrote almost every week for about a year-and-a-half. Our first published song was “I Am Who I Am” which was started as we chatted around the pool at that first Posi Awards. When the song was chosen as the contest winner to be the theme song for Purpose Talk Radio, we created the name True Trinity, designed a logo, created a website, involved a lawyer in a contract for the restricted use of the song and did all the things that we had learned about over the years about writing music, but did not do before that time because we didn’t need them. In October of 2013, I took over as host of Purpose Talk Radio and continued to use “I Am Who I Am” as the show theme song.

My goal is to have all people “hear” the beauty of Posi music either through my or another person’s voice and even more through my hands, as I write, play guitar, and sign.

My Interests

writing, editing/proofreading, graphic design, writing music, playing guitar, photography, sign language

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