About Me

Jumping the lines between contemporary folk and acoustic rock, Bev Barnett & Greg Newlon combine their varied musical pasts to create a place where you can relax in the comfort of the groove – and know you’re going to leave smiling and maybe just a little more hopeful. The first thing you’ll notice is the amazing blend of their voices. Greg’s guitar pushes – Bev’s voice pulls, together creating lyrics and harmonies that explore life, love and the pursuit of something real.

“Liquid vocals to melt your heart … guitar work that dances … songs that make a difference … Bev and Greg are the real deal.”
JD Martin, POSI-award winning singer/songwriter

In addition to performing house concerts and small venues throughout the West we’ve been privileged to provide special music at many Centers for Spiritual Living Unity Churches and independent New Thought centers in California Oregon and Arizona.

“I love Bev and Greg. Their songs are wonderful both musically and lyrically and they are an absolute joy to work with! They really “”get”” how collaboration between musician and minister can raise the service to a much higher level.”
Liz Mirante, Sr. Minister at the Monterey Center for Spiritual Living

More about us:

With a gift for delivering the essence of a song Barnett’s voice has been called angelic – but with the ability to ‘turn down the sheets.’ Sometimes you hear the honeyed tones of Mary Chapin Carpenter and sometimes you hear hints of Sade.

Newlon’s guitar encircles the song as he finds his way between the notes with delicacy and strength. His fluid full guitar and vocal arrangements are the result of a long and varied musical journey from his rock beginnings (sharing a stage with the Doors) combined with his background in musical theatre and barbershop to the country rock sound of Aspen in the late 1970s and more recently through blues country and modern folk. All of these influences have shaped his unique contemporary acoustic style. In a world of fast food and empty calories Bev and Greg are real food. Their songs speak their truth – and do it well.”
Cosy Sheridan, award winning songwriter

Barnett & Newlon released ‘Any Doorway Will Do’ in 2007 which Music Connection Magazine calls a “luminous collection of songs that shine with a soulful spirit.”” The duo will release its third studio CD Let the Walls Come Down in 2010.”

My Interests

We love creating music together, though blending a creative life with a marriage does present its challenges! Bev also loves to sculpt, Greg loves to cook. We love traveling together, meeting new communities of seekers and sharing songs and stories. Favorite quote: “”Follow those who seek the truth and run from those who say they’ve found it.”””

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