About Me

Annabella Wood has been a longtime singer and truck driver. Using her truck driving dispatches, she has sung at Unity, Religious Science and truck stop churches all over the country. She started writing POSI songs when she first found Religious Science. She cut three tapes, “I’ve Got God”, “Unconditional Love” and “Changes” solo, then formed a duo called Sweet Spirit. She cut two albums, “I Am Love” and “Just Say Yes (to living in Spirit)” with a male singer Hayward Saffle as Sweet Spirit. She then cut three albums, “In the Stillness”, “Home is Where the Heart is” and “Open Your Heart” with a female singer Bobbie Bush as Sweet Spirit. Now she is taking off solo again with her new album which is as yet still unnamed. Her songs are inspired by New Thought principles and intensive study in A Course in Miracles and The Work of Byron Katie. They are thought provoking and inspiring and fun to listen to. The tunes get into your head and won’t let you go throughout the day. Annabella served on the founding board of Common Ground an all inclusive faith based community in PA founded by Andrea and Kit Thomas. For three years she sang with the Bryn Mawr/Haverford Community Choir and currently is singing with the Common Ground Choir. She also sings to her home community Circle of Miracles whenever she is not singing somewhere else. Look for her in New Thought centers coffee shops and meeting groups all over the Philadelphia area.”

My Interests

I love my rescued Pomeranian, building things, driving trucks, riding motorcycles and attempting to unravel the mystery of the universe. No matter what else I am doing I am watching how everything works out, how my mind affects my life and things like that.

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