About Me

Hi! This is Amy Jo and I’d like to tell you thanks for taking a look at my profile!

I gave my publicist the day off so this is just you and me… One on one!

I was born and raised on a horse ranch out in the foot hills of Southern California, called Modjeska Cyn.

It was there where I grew up as a country girl who barely saw the city that surrounded me. Once a week my dad would take a trip to town for supplies and each week one of us kids got to go. This was a special treat! So I went to town about once a month. Mostly I didn’t care that the city even existed. If it weren’t for the Tasty Freeze ice cream cones on the way home I wouldn’t have cared to go at all.

Mostly I spent my time up to knees in the creek catching tadpoles or riding horses out in the hills.

I don’t remember how old I was when I started playing guitar, but I do remember at the age of seven singing on stage with my dad. There was a big party, and I do mean BIG party where he was entertaining. He got me up on stage to sing and play my guitar, and I was Dolly Parton for three and half minutes! The stage was actually a diving board, but I knew that I had hit the big time!

That was the beginning to singing and writing songs professional for a living for nearly my whole life.

In 2005 I found myself on the other side of the world. I went to Puerto Rico on a singing job, fell in love with the tropics and never left. I currently live on a tiny island off the coast of Puerto Rico called Culebra.

Here in the warm breeze I earn a decent living singing in tiny water front bars and grills and am treated like a rock star when people recognize me as I walk through town.

As an artist I’ve done some cool stuff, won some nice awards but really… It doesn’t matter what I’ve done in my past. It’s what I’m aiming to do with my future that’s important. Touching the hearts of people with exceptional song writing and outstanding music is my personal goal.

Thanks again for stopping by!

Amy Jo

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